When To Buy Into Fashion Trends One of the golden rules when buying a trendy fashion garment is to exercise caution because trends are short-lived. You should beware of micro trends in particular because they are usually only around for a season, sometimes less. Ideally, you should buy a trendy item early on in the fashion cycle before it hits the mainstream before it is considered, in fashion circles, to be on the way out. The time to buy into a fashion trend is when the celebrities and models are seen wearing it. The problem is that new up-and-coming trends are hard to get hold of before they hit the mainstream. If you do manage to find a garment demonstrating the latest cutting-edge trend in a fashion-forward boutique then you are likely to pay an arm and a leg for it. The time to wear a fashion trend is when it first hits the mainstream, in other words, when you first start to see it featured in the fashion editorials of magazines and in middle range clothing stores. A middle range clothing store is one that is not a department store or a high-end boutique but one that specialises in fashion garments and accessories. Large department stores selling items other than clothing such as home wares and foodstuffs should not be discounted out of hand, however, as they sometimes carry a fashion-forward line or two which is of good quality but at a reasonable price. Before going out and buying a trendy fashion garment or accessory you should take a look at the trend predictions for the upcoming season in the fashion mags. Fashion magazines will give you a good idea of what to look out for when you are shopping. The other time you might want to buy into a fashion trend is when the particular trend suits your body shape. If a trend suits you, you can go wild unless the trend is an outlandish one. Bubble-skirt minis are a case in point. Even though this trend periodically rears its ugly head, it is not, nor will it ever become a classic and most people look mildly silly wearing them, regardless of how model-esque they may be!