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Coping With Anxiety during Menopause Most women in their menopause ages are likely to suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is associated much with the ladies in their menopause ages. Anxiety is widely related to hormonal balances. Everyone experiences anxiety and it’s something that one goes through during different periods in their life. It is normal to get anxious. this does not, however, mean that persons should experience this so many times as this is now a disorder. Below are some of the issues that cause anxiety. Women in their menopause are more vulnerable to anxiety due to the fact that their hormones are in constant state of fluctuation as this is when their bodies are preparing to shut down its ability to reproduce. Anxiety causes women in this state suffer from depression and stress. Doctors say that anxiety in a way is caused by reduced levels of estrogen. Depression is mostly caused by increased anxiety.
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More to this facts, research further shows that the hormones progesterone which also reduces during menopause is said to have a calming and relaxing effect on the body. Therefore the absence of this hormone are unsettling and allow for emotions that were at one point overlooked or produced minor anxiety to be blown out of proportion.
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Anxiety is associated with the following symptoms; shivering and shaking, increased heart beat rate, lack of breath, sweating, nausea, dizziness, getting tired frequently, lack of concentration, irritability, trouble while sleeping and muscle tension. However it should be noted that not everyone experiences these feelings, the above symptoms may be felt at different times, or some of them could even occur unexpectedly, last for a short period then they withdraw. This attacks are known as panic attacks. There are ways which can help you relieve anxiety once you feel it. Try reducing stress in your life. Analyze all the situations that you encounter stress and see what are your major stress causatives. Once you have identified your stress causing factors, then work on ways to assuage it. Stress is sometimes caused by work, home related issues and the people you work with. Try getting time for recreation in your schedule. Indulge in activities that excite you once in a while since everyone needs a break from their normal lives. Most people say that if you don’t relax then stress is likely to catch-up with you. Don’t eat before sleeping, eat right and avoid dieting and you will see just how well one gets to survive without anxiety. If you are one who loves to diet or maybe feed just right before going to bed then you might consider changing your feeding habits after reading this post. With such feeding habits you find yourself having trouble while sleeping. Also ensure that you stay hydrated, eat lots of fruits, drink plenty of water, avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks also avoid taking high fatty foods. Exercise a lot. With all this, then you are less likely to suffer anxiety.

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