A Beginners Guide To Art

The Reason for the Pride People Feel with Their Tattoos

For obvious reasons, being inked is not for everybody. People who don’t like having tattoos mock the practice, while the real tattoo artists do not also allow people to be reckless in tattooing their entire bodies with tramp stamps. There are many people who can’t decide whether or not to put a tattoo on their bodies but below is an explanation for why people get themselves tattooed, and why they are proud to do so.

Some people put tattoos to remind themselves of a departed loved one, and to be able to continue with life after than experience. This tattoo eternalizes the experience with that loved one and an emblem of their former life.

However, healing the gap of that sad experience is just one reason why some decide to have a closure to it. The pride left for them is the fact that everything that is inked in their body has a sad story behind it. And with the tattoo to forever remind them of the events, they are determined now to continue with their life with bravery, enriching what has been tattooed in their skin which is hard to erase.
Lessons Learned About Art

Radical art as opposed to the pitfalls of becoming co-opted by propaganda or commercialization is another way of expression. In a statement made by a Marxian playwright names Bertolt Brecht, he refers to tattooing as revolutionary art, and that “art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.” He believes that to be a radical and a revolutionary artist is to be defiant of any imposition of form or content by any economic system, artist academy or political status quo. Therefore some take it to the street by displaying their liberal adoption on politics and society in the form of rebellions graffiti on walls.
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Another form of radical expression of feeling, character, or thought on canvas is abstract painting. And the best way to own your radical thoughts is to tattoo it on your skin so that it is with you all the time. This is something lacking in graffiti and paintings, where the artist’s presence is not directly affected. You show yourself a full-fledged radical artist if you ink your radical thoughts to your skin, and that is why you can wear it with pride.

Being able to express something in this form of art is already a reason why people take pride in them. The fact alone of knowing that it would be there for good is heroism itself for some. Inking the name of a boyfriend in your younger years might not be taken positively by your fiance later in life.